I know it's been a while since we've added any news .... that's because, as I mentioned after our trip to Stanford, the goal of having the DBS surgery is TOTALLY dependant on $$$$$$$$$$$ --- lots of it.
The next step, prior to actual surgery, is for Ken to have a 2-day Neuro-psych evaluation @ Stanford. This typically runs about $2-3,000 ...... and if he passes (hahahahaha) he'll be ready for the DBS!!!
We were pretty sure, after our Stanford experience, that our health insurance was basically worthless. In the interim, we've made LOTS of phone calls, talking with lots of different people and prayed for direction. It has been amazing to us the out-pouring of support from everyone we've talked with. I think some of you are even more excited than we are to have Ken be able to get this surgery!
We've had suggestions that run the gamut ---- from Beckie getting a job with the 'State' , cause they have great insurance benefits .... (altho I'm pretty sure Arnold isn't doing any hiring right now!) ..... to getting a divorce (I'M NOT KIDDING!). I pretty much said, "Hey, after 36 years, we've got each other 'trained' ---- we'd have to be crazy to do that!";not to mention we kind of remember saying something about 'in sickness & in health' somewhere along the line. Soooooooo........... after many phone calls and discussions with people in the medical community that we believe God brought across our path, we will be meeting this week with someone who helps with planning for seniors and believe they will be able to give us good direction in the area of coverage for the surgery.
We still anticipate needing to self-pay for a large portion of charges and to that end our church has set up a 'fund' to help us with that. Ken has put together a business-card style handout, so that as we're talking with people about what's happening with us we can just hand them the card, mention the opportunity to donate and all the info they might need is right there close at hand. I've posted pics of the front & back for you to see ---- along with a direct link to our church. If any of you might be interested in having the files in order to print some of your own to hand out, just leave us a message.
When you go to
http://www.churchofgladtidings.com/ home page - click on the contribute tab; enter your information, and under 'designation' click 'OTHER' and specify: Ken Miller
All gifts are tax-deductible and 100% goes toward our medical expenses.